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Who is Sue??

Water is how I got my shape today! People constantly ask me what my secret is to being in such good shape at mid-life. When I tell them that water exercise transformed my body, they shake their heads in disbelief. That spurred me on to develop and teach a really active pool-based training program—and to start my small business, New Attitude Exercise.

Over the past 14 years, I, myself, have trained with quite a few of the masters in fitness and biomechanics. Additionally, I returned to college at age 42 to study physiology and pulled down the gold standard certification in the industry from the American College for Sports Medicine. I teach year-round, in aqua, barrework, body-sculpting and yoga. It is my passion to teach and my delight to watch students really “get it”.

For the past 4 years, I’ve been hard at work designing my line of  aqua videos. There’s no mythical corporation here.  Just me–and my passion for great water aerobics!   On my videos, I do the concepting and scriptwriting, as well as get in front of the camera for the underwater demos and on-camera clips.  It’s been one of the biggest “learning curves” of my life!

Living in Nashville has been a lucky break for me and my videos in that there are many talented production people living in the same town.   I owe a big thank you to so many of these people who have graciously and patiently assisted me with the editing and design components of my videos–as well as reminding me to never let go of my dream for this video series.  Thank you all!

My next goal is to teach my style of water aerobics far and wide, as well as invite folks to Nashville for aqua workshops.

“I do water aerobics because it keeps me in the best shape of my life.  I teach water aerobics because it changes lives.”
